Friday, March 15, 2013

Peoples Personalities and the Strange Bird



 It's been a while since I posted, but a colleague sent me this article and thought it would be worth sharing. The original author of this article is Hanny Lerner and I have also provided a link to the original article. Enjoy!!!

Become Successful By Understanding Peoples Personalities

Hanny Lerner, Contributor
Understanding People
People are inherently and genetically different. When we truly understand the people around us, we will become successful entrepreneurs, dedicated employees & friendlier colleagues. It’s when we try to make people think like we think and act like we act, that we end up firing employees, quitting jobs (and probably getting divorced).
About a month ago I was lucky to hear inspirational speaker Allison Mooney talk to a room full of entrepreneurs at an EO event. She divided all human beings into 5 personality types:
  • The Playfuls
  • The Peacefuls
  • The Powerfuls
  • The Precises
The Playfuls
These folks are enthusiastic, funny and loud; They are extroverts who love talking; they speak before they think. They are best at networking, socializing & having fun. They are forgiving, unorganized and easily distracted. In business, they are the innovators, the idea-people & very creative. They tend to work fast (or not at all), so they can focus on doing what they enjoy most – having fun.
The Powerfuls
The Powerfuls are assertive, decisive and productive; They are the do-ers, the human machine and the ones always taking control. They are the risk-takers who never give up on their goals. Powerfuls are internally strong and definitely need things done their way. They are all about working hard, getting to the point and accomplishing goals. For the Powerfuls, “now” is never soon enough. Their goals are never-ending.
The Precises
These people are meticulous. They think before they talk. They create structure, order and compliance. They are organized, neat, graceful and procedurally strong. They are perfectionists who hate making mistakes. Their shirts are ironed, their socks always match, and they love making lists. Without the Precise, our businesses would be chaotic and unorganized; our homes would be messy. They put work before play, and usually won’t stop until they get it done right. I see some elements of Precise in myself too, particularly in how I run my business.

The Peacefuls
These are the most calming of us all. Peacefuls are easy-going, diplomatic and patient. They hate conflict & do everything in their power to avoid confrontation. They are steady, comfortable in their own skin and grounded. They don’t have highs or lows, and are often-time hard to read. Happy, sad, angry, frustrated, excited – it all looks the same on them. You certainly won’t see them get as excited as the Playfuls or Powerfuls do. My business partner and husband Sim is a Peaceful. He is the epitome of calm and steady, and definitely brings balance to my life in the fast lane.
But how do we deal with people opposite of us? The reality is, we need all four personality types to run a successful business.
We need the creative people to come up with the ideas, and the critical thinkers to analyze, document & plan. We need the executors to make it happen, and the calm, rational folks to put things in perspective.


  1. Great article and so true... I find myself categorized to some degree as somewhere between a playful and ryan. Thanks Benson

  2. Excellent article. Very unique view points and something to consider. Is The Ryan based on a real person? Quite an interesting study...

  3. The Ryan is indeed based loosely on a real person... Let's call him / her money mcgee. Thanks for the comment.

  4. Money McGee is a Legend. Spread the Wealth Money. 'Fax for Money'...He is one Heck of a Tip-Toer...Down to an Art Form. (((Arts)))

  5. If you have a mix of Playful, Powerful, Precise and Peaceful your Gonna' go off like a Roman Candle. I would absolutely throw "Passion" in there as well. If you do not have Passion for whatever you do in Life you will not be Happy or Rage at whatever one desires.
